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Enicar first 2 movements - A Different Kind of February Fun

While most people were out skiing this February, we took a different turn. We left our skis in the basement and dove into our special project – bringing back life to our Enicar watches. It’s a task that requires patience and skill, but the reward is unmatched. The Restoration Journey Restoring a watch is like solving a complex puzzle. We started by taking apart the first two movements of the series. Every tiny piece was removed, cleaned, and then carefully put back together. It’s a process that needs a steady hand and a lot of focus. The Joy of Seeing a Watch Come to Life The best part? Hearing the watches tick again after reassembling and oiling them. It’s a sound that signifies not just the working of a watch, but the revival of a masterpiece.
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For our sister and daughter, who has been by our side and contributed to the LMH journey in her own way, you had not yet received your rite of passage.  Now, it's done. You wanted green! And a watch that reflects you, able to join you on your wildest adventures, whether on horseback, on a skateboard, or during daring mountain bike treks.  You need a 4x4 watch that will be with you throughout your life, just like our love for you.

Enicar project is moving

H ere is our first update about the Enicar Le Mans Racing project... We haven't settled on the exact name yet, but let’s recap a bit of the story so far. Five years ago, in 2018, we came across a series of 10 Enicar cases from the 1960s-1970s. This discovery was more of an opportunity than a planned project. We thought there might be a chance to create something special with them. After several attempts, the cases ended up at the back of our stockroom. It seemed too complex to find the original components, and the project was temporarily shelved. June 2023, we stumbled upon a small ad selling Enicar Cal 161 movements... Wow, this was the perfect opportunity to reignite the project! During the summer of 2023, we started searching for original dials but didn't have much success. Enicar had produced so many different models, and the cost of original dials was prohibitive for this type of watch. By the end of Summer 2023, we finally found a dial manufacturer willing to prod


This is far beyond a merely concept – it is a bespoke realization, intricately shaped to reflect Kasia’s personal aspirations. The caliber was always a clear choice, but the real journey was in the meticulous assembly of the perfect components to match her vision. After long research, design and negotiations, we secured premium parts from our esteemed suppliers in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Soleure, and Germany, all to construct a dive watch with a feminine touch. Presenting the Kasia’s Mom Master Edition: a watch that transcends craftsmanship to become a unique gem, lovingly assembled for Kasia in the VallĂ©e de Joux.


Patricia, our cherished sister and aunt, exudes ceaseless positivity and is the refreshing spirit of our family.  As a devoted mother who has dedicated herself to her loved ones, she deserves a timepiece that reflects the magnitude of a milestone birthday and is versatile enough to journey with her through every facet of life.  Whether she's nurturing her family, steering her own business, or running her restaurant, the Mom Master Blue Ice is a testament to her multifaceted life. It stands as her steadfast companion, and we take immense pride in honoring her with this elegant watch.  Crafted in Le Sentier, it's imbued with our deepest love and admiration. Patricia has more than earned the distinction of wearing this emblem of elegance — a watch as remarkable as she is.


Our sweet and tender cousin Melissa, always cheerful with just the right word, we created this watch to commemorate your 20th birthday.  Joyous and elegant just like you, it will accompany you through life's exhilarating pace that makes you such a wonderful person. Produced : December 2020


Edouard, one of our first supporters, played a big part in creating this special watch. His choice of a blue dial with a red button added a unique sporty yet elegant touch – truly Edouard's style. From March 2020 to January 2021, we carefully chose each part, enhanced the movement, and put it all together. This watch is as special as Edouard, made for him not just because he waited patiently for it, but also because he's a great person and a dear family friend. Edouard is also our first customer. His trust and support have meant so much to us. We're proud to make a watch that shows our thanks and suits his personality perfectly. Thank you, Edouard! Produced - October 2020